Thursday, November 18, 2010

Contract Law Questions

Contract Law

1. Shootoing on private and public property. Where is the line drawn between the two?
2. If the property is private, what right does the owner of the property have to throw you off the property for taking photographs?
3. Do celebrities and other public figures give up their rights to privacy in exchange for fame and fortune?
4. In design, how much of a percentage of change do two similar products have to be in order to avoid a lawsuit?
5. A fashion designer leaves a company and takes a large portion of the company’s clientele. Can the parent company sue?
6. What are the limits for #6?
7. Righthaven. Is forcing people to give up their Web Domains for posting another websites material legal? How much of a right do they have?
8. Can any image be trademarked?
9. Reusing a logo. How much credit do you have to give to the original designer?
10. How much of a song can you use before it is copyright infringement?

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